What I mean, ladies and gents, is that you should put your religion first, whether you're a Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, or any other religion. You should prioritize to be a good practitioner of your religion. I know that nobody's perfect and I am far from perfect as well, but we could remind each other if either of us makes mistakes or maybe neglecting our duties, in my case, as Muslims.
We often heard about human rights that we should always uphold, but what about God's right? The One who created us? Care for us? Guide us? Who always stay beside us without we knowing it. Sometimes we tend to stray away from our Deen or the Way of Life, whether we aware of it or not. I humbly remind myself and to you to practice what had been preached to us. After all death is just around the corner. We might forget all about it but death, its inevitable and absolute. We would not want to die with things left undone or incomplete now, do we?
After that, then you could put other priorities that you might deem important and meaningful for you. But at the end of the day, its up to you to decide what to be put and what not to be for your first priority. After all you have your own ideas, opinions and logic and I respect that.
The choice is yours to decide. And I pray may Allah grant you happiness and success in your life and in the Hereafter. Amin
Ali Hassan
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